Result overview

Show a list of all imported products

The results overview lists all products based on the filters that have been applied. 

After applying filter(s) and clicking “Filter products,” Omnia creates a table with the full list of the selected products. Click here to learn more about how to use filters. At the left top of the table, you will see the total number of products found. 

For each product, a standard set of columns is shown. You can click the column names to sort the results in an ascending or descending order.

You can edit the table to customize which columns are shown. This article explains this in more detail. 

The table also contains your current margin, minimum market price margin, average market price margin, and, for Dynamic Pricing customers, the Price Advice margin. The margin can differ from what you see in your ERP system. Read more about how we calculate margins here.

You can view a product in more detail by clicking the small box with an arrow pointing out of it:

To view up to five products in detail, click the box next to this box with an arrow on the products you’d like to compare. After choosing the products you want to compare, click “View selected” at the top of the table.

At the bottom of the page, you can select how many products you want to show per page (10, 25, or 100). Here you can also navigate to the next/previous pages. The maximum number of articles shown is 500.

For Dynamic Pricing customers, the results overview table also includes the functionality to set fixed prices or perform any corrections. You can read more about this here


Download products to .csv or .xlsx

You can download the information in the table to a .csv file or .xlsx file. To do this, click the "Download all" button and select the preferred format:

To only download products with a fixed price or correction applied by clicking the button square button with an arrow:

The download functionality gives you all data attributes that are present in the table. By editing the columns present in the table, you can also change what data is exported.