Changing individual prices to a fixed level
In some scenarios, you might want to set a different price for a small amount of products due to a variety of reasons. In these scenarios, you can set fixed prices via the UI of Omnia 2.0 and apply them as your price recommendations in your strategy tree.
Note - Please take into account that only setting a fixed price via product details page does not automatically apply the fixed price as your price recommendation! Please read the steps how to apply fixed prices as price recommendations below
How to set a fixed price for individual products in Omnia 2.0?
Note - It was and still is possible to map the Fixed Price field in the product import module. If mapped, it will create a fixed price TAG that can be used in your pricing strategy tree. This article describes how to set fixed prices independently from the import processes of Omnia.
You can set fixed prices in the product details pages of Omnia 2.0. Clicking the button in the top right corner opens a dialog where you can define the fixed price as well as (optionally) start and end dates.
- Clicking the button in the top right corner opens a dialog where you can define the fixed price as well as (optionally) start and end dates.
- By default, this setting is disabled.
- If you return to the disabled state and save it - existing fixed price configurations (e.g. the price) will be deleted.
This step simply ensures that the desired fixed price PROPERTIES are defined for the respective product and can be used in your pricing strategy tree!
How to apply your fixed prices as your price recommendation?
After you have set a fixed price for at least 1 product, you will notice that additional features are enabled in your strategy tree!
- When setting fixed prices (incl. optional start or end-dates), you are defining specific PROPERTIES of your products. You can select those PROPERTIES in the list of available VARIABLES and use them in any formula in your strategy tree.
- IF-DATE condition: You will see a new toggle that allows you to select START-dates and END-dates based on PROPERTIES instead of defining start dates via the date picker
- IF-TAG condition: You will see a new toggle that allows you to select PROPERTIES and define their values for comparison
Below you can see how to use these new fixed price properties to create a strategy branch that applies the fixed price as the price recommendation (this is just a basic branch structure that can be adjusted based on your needs).
The branch will work as follows:
If there is a fixed price (greater than 0) and the calculation happens after start and before end-date for the fixed price, the fixed price will be applied to this product. If there is no fixed price, the product will not enter the branch.
- Add an IF-FORMULA condition and set it to PROPERTY.fixed_price_price - greater than - 0 . This means that only products that have a defined fixed price will enter this branch
- (If needed) Add an IF-DATE condition and use PROPERTY to define start and/or end date. Use fixed_price_start_date as start date and fixed_price_end_date for end date. This ensure that products will only go further to the right if the price calculation happens after the start date and before reaching the end date.
- Note: The condition will be false if a product does NOT have a defined start and/or end date. Please use if-tag nodes accordingly to ensure that only relevant products reach this node
Note: The price calculation will FAIL (no new price recommendation) if a product does NOT have a defined start and/or end date as a required variable (the date is not available).
If your company works with a combination of products with and without start and end dates, please use if-TAG conditions to ensure that products receive their fixed price during the desired times. Please use if-tag nodes accordingly to ensure that only desired products reach this node. Please see the final section at the bottom how to create branches for such complex set up.
- Note: The condition will be false if a product does NOT have a defined start and/or end date. Please use if-tag nodes accordingly to ensure that only relevant products reach this node
- Add a PRICE FORMULA node to calculate the price recommendation. Create a formula with PROPERTY
Please note that the If-DATE condition will be FALSE for products that do not have any dates or just one of them.
If your company works with a combination of products with and without start and end dates, please use if-TAG conditions. to ensure that products receive their fixed price during the desired times.
Please see an example for such a more complex sit up below. The first sub-branch handles products with start and date, while the second handles those products that neither have start nor end date.
Creating complex branches for products with and without start/end-dates.
We recommend to use a uniform way of setting fixed prices for all relevant products - e.g. always set start AND end-date or always ONLY set end-date!
But the flexibility of Omnia 2.0’s pricing strategy builder also allows you to create complex branches that will process all possible fixed-price-settings in the desired way.
A branch that handles ALL possible configurations in the intended way can look like this
After the initial check that a fixed price exist, we have four strategy branches, each responsible to handle a different configuration:
- Branch 1- “start and end date empy”: Adds the two necessary checks to verify that IF PROPERTY fixed_price_start_date and fixed_price_end_date are <empty>. Only if both if-statements are true, the fixed price will be applied
- Branch 2 - “only end date defined”: if the second if-statement is false, we know that start-date is empty, but end-date exists. Therefore, the 2nd rule adds an if-date condition with fixed_price_end_date for end date and no start date. This ensure that only those products that have only end-dates are processed by the branch. The fixed price will be applied to products where the end date is in the future.
- Branch 3 - “only start date defined”: Here, we only need to verify IF PROPERTY fixed_price_end_date is <empty>, as only products where fixed_price_start_date is NOT <empty> can reach this part of the branch. If a start date exist, the if date condition ensures that fixed price is applied only if the price calculation is after the the start date
- Branch 4 - “start and end present: Here, we are adding the two necessary checks to verify that IF PROPERTY fixed_price_start_date and fixed_price_end_date are <NOT empty>. Only if both if-statements are true, the products will reach the IF Date condition. The fixed price will only be applied if the price calculation happens after the start date and before the end date.
All products where fixed price >0 but the if-date conditions are false (because start date is in the future or end date is in the past), will leave this strategy branch and will be processed by other branches of your strategy tree.
This specific configuration avoids price calculation failures because of missing dates that are expected by respective if-date conditions!