Connecting the properties of your feeds with the import fields in Omnia
After you have configured and linked all your feeds, you need to connect the columns of your feed with the import fields in Omnia: this is called mapping.
You can find all mapped fields on the Import Mapping page of the Product Import section:
You can search for all fields using the search bar at the top and clear a mapping field by clicking on clear next to it. If you'd like to delete one of the (non-standard) fields, click the recycle bin icon next to it.
You can change the existing mapping of a field by clicking on it, and you can add a new field by clicking on add a new field on the top left. More about how to map a field is explained in this article.
Note - The mapping section is crucial to connecting your data with Omnia. It's where you connect your internal data with Omnia, enabling it to be used in your pricing strategies or reports. Your role in this process is vital.
Import mappings
This overview consists of two columns:
- Import fields - The left column shows the import fields, which are the names of the fields within Omnia. It contains all the import fields that can be mapped. You have the flexibility to map a number of required fields (blue colored), depending on your license type. All green fields are optional, giving you the freedom to customize your mapping.
- Mapping/calculations - The right column shows the mapping of a specific field. It contains the name of the column that is used in the import feed, along with the name of the feed from which this field is imported. Additionally, it might contain a calculation: you can modify the mappings by using mapping functions.
Note - After adding a new feed, Omnia needs to import all columns from this new feed before they can be added to the mapping. You can refresh this data by clicking the Update feed data button.