How to map a field

Tips and tricks on how to connect and transform your internal data to Omnia

Before you can use data that is included in one of your feeds, you need to map this data from your feed to an import field in Omnia. By clicking “Update feed data” you make sure you have the latest updated data. 

There are three types of fields you can map: required fields, optional fields, and custom fields. You can edit a predefined import field by clicking it, and you can add a new field by clicking the add new feed button in the top left corner of the mapping overview.


Step 1 

If you add a new mapping field, you have to give this field a name. Please make sure to use a unique field name, as double field names are not allowed.

Also, you are required to select a value type for the new field. An explanation on these value types can be found here.

Step 2

Next, you can select the content of this field. After clicking on the search bar, a drop-down will appear. Here you can select columns from all connected feeds.

Note - If you cannot find the column from your feed in the search box, please make sure to press the Update feed data button first! 

In this box you can also create a formula to manipulate the data from the feed before it gets imported. More information about the mapping functions can be found on this page

Tip - If you do not have anything to map for a required field you can map these empty by typing two single quotation marks ‘’.

Step 3

Specify the value type of the used field(s). You can specify the value type for every individual field. The sample shows a sample value of the field you are trying to map. 

Step 4 

Test the mapping for errors by clicking the Test button. Before you can save a new mapping, you have to test the value that is entered. 

Step 5 

If the test is successful, save the mapping by clicking the Save button.