Popularity scores

The Popularity Data Service is an add-on to your Pricewatch export that shows the product popularity scores for different price comparison websites in NL and BE. It’s designed to give you a better idea of what’s popular in the market so you can make more informed strategic choices when it comes to buying, marketing, pricing, and more. 

Definition per source 

The popularity scores are available for the following Dutch Comparison Shopping Engines. The definition of the popularity score differs per source:

  • Tweakers: product out-clicks to all retailers of yesterday.
  • Vergelijk: a popularity score that is built up from a combination of the product page-views over the past period and the number of retailers selling the product.
  • Kieskeurig: product out-clicks to all the retailers over the last 2 weeks.

This data is currently available as an additional column in the Pricewatch export and is free to use until June 1st. After that period, we will make the data available in a separate license for those who want to continue the service. Additionally, we are investigating ways to make this data available within the Omnia portal so you can use it directly into your pricing and marketing strategies.


By adding the product popularity score to your Pricewatch Export, you will receive information about the popularity of a product in your export file as an extra column. Based on this added information, you can run several analyses:

  • You can sort and filter your Pricewatch Export file to see which products are most popular on each data source and see out-clicks to products and retailers
  • By monitoring and comparing popularity scores of multiple days, you will understand shifts in traffic across the market caused by product introductions (or other market developments)

Based on this data and the analyses, you can adapt your business strategy to stay ahead of competitors:

  • You can prepare your stock levels for articles that have an anticipated shift in demand
  • You can build pricing strategies that let you market more aggressively on products that are popular in the market, but keep safe margins on less popular (and less visible) cross-sell items
  • You can get insights into the most popular retailers per category.
  • You can estimate the price sensitivity of the entire Dutch and Belgian market
  • Using this data, you can pinpoint some strategic “quick wins” by finding products that are popular in the market, but for which your sales lag

Additionally, you can make educated assortment expansion choices. If you use our  Assortment Optimization, you can add missing products to your feed and get updated information on those products’ popularity scores. 

How to activate

You can activate this data by selecting this column in the Export Configuration screen of your Pricewatch Export

In the Export configuration we added a Popularity checkmark. Once you activate this check mark, the data will be added as an additional column to the Pricewatch Export. 

Note - Please note that this data is only available for the Dutch Comparison Shopping Engines (Tweakers, Vergelijk and Kieskeurig)