Public Key Authentication for SFTP

Step by step setup of Public Key Authentication for SFTP servers

With an SFTP-connection you can use public key authentication. The public key authentication is SSH2 encrypted. 

There are steps to be taken to setup the public key authentication:

1. Add a feed in Configure feeds and Select Connection type SFTP

This is the same process as adding any other feed to Connect in Omnia

Public key authentication is solely available for connections with an SFTP server.

2. Check the box "Public key Authentication"


3. Create a new authentication key pair

Click on the dropdown next to Key pair name and choose "Create new". A pop-up will appear and will ask for a Key pair name. 

Enter a recognizable name and click save.

4. Download the file that includes the Public key.

Once the new key pair is created, it can be selected in the dropdown.

With the key pair a public and a private key has been generated. The private key is securely stored by Omnia, while a file including the Public key can be downloaded via the Icon next to the dropdown. 



5. Setup the public key authentication on your SFTP server

Now that the public key is available you can set up the authentication for your SFTP server.

6. Add the username that has been setup in the public key authentication in the feed setup

To be able to connect to your SFTP via public key authentication we need the user name that has been set up on the SFTP together with the private key that has already been created and stored by Omnia.

7. Validate the connection and then Save the feed setup