Final pricing test

Check how your business rules affect the price advices of individual article

After you have finished your pricing strategy tree in Omnia according to your pricing strategy, you might want to check how these rules impact the pricing of certain articles. Or perhaps you would like to see why a certain advice price is given for one of the articles within your assortment.

Checking price recommendations

  • From Price Recommendations Dashboard

Go to Price Recommendation section on the left side of the screen. Once the dashboard loads, select the product that you want to check using the available filters at the top of the page.

Go to the 3 dots next to their price recommendation > Explain Price Recommendation BETA

  1. From Product Detail Page

If you are already on the the product detail page, then you just need to click on the price recommendation. 


From any of the 2 pages above, you will be directed to a new tab and you will see the pricing strategy tree with a  highlighted path. The highlighted path shows the shortest path of the actions that are carried out for this product and hence, shows wher the price advice/ price recommendation suggested by Omnia comes from.

If you click on “More info” at the right top corner, you will see the information coming from you (on the left side) and the market prices/ offers (on the right side) that were used in the price calculation that resulted in the price recommendations to cross check.

Checking price recommendation after making changes to the tree

If you would like to check the result of the latest changes in the pricing tree on the price recommendations, after you saved the latest changes in the tree, you can trigger a manual full price calculation by clicking ‘Calculate prices’.


Wait until there is a pop up that says that the price calculation is done and you will see the timestamp of the latest price calculation along with the number of failed calculations (if there is any). 

Go to Price Recommendation section on the left side of the screen. Clear cache and refresh to make sure that the data in the dashboard is the most up-to-date based on the latest changes in the tree.



After the dashboard is refreshed, follow the same steps explained earlier in the previous section “Checking price recommendations”.

Note 1 - Can’t find the product on this dashboard?

 This means that the product is either part of the failed calculation products or it can also mean that it does not go through any of the strategy branch and leaves the tree without any price recommendations. To check if it is part of the failed calculation product, you can download the report as you can see below:


Note 2 - Keeps getting an error message while trying to view the path?

 This means that you either forgot to cler cache and refreshed the dashboard or product detail page (at the right top corner) or you have made changes to the tree but you have yet to run a manual pricing calculation runs which will then also have to be followed by clear cache and refreshing the dashboard upon finishing.